Monday, May 31, 2021

Dribbles, Drabbles and Music!

Dribbles, Drabbles and Music!

Greetings everyone!

Here we are at the end of May and gardens are popping with color. It is a gift to the senses to stroll though the neighborhood and see what people have planted.

It’s concert time once again. Please join me this Thursday, June 3, at 7:00 PM CDT for Ann Reed Live From Somewhere In Her House. Here is the link to that concert: Please send along your requests!
If you know someone who would like to watch the show but is not on this mailing list, please send them the link or let them know that the link is also on my website at:

As many of you know, I have been writing short-form poems for many years. I write haiku and a short-form poem every morning, then send them to my writing pals, Gail Hartman and Kate Tucker. During the pandemic, we put together a book of these poems called The Less Said: A Collection of Short-Form Poetry. The book is available at or through Amazon.

I am now starting to explore flash fiction, another short-form style of writing and I’d like you to join me! There are two forms that are a bit challenging but fun! (Well, I think so anyway …) The first is called a Dribble. A Dribble is a story told in no more than 50 words. The second is called a Drabble, a story told in no more than 100 words. You can find an example of each one on the home page of Just scroll down to the bottom and there they will be. Send me your Dribble or Drabble and I’ll post it right there. (Let’s keep it clean, please.) Send them to:

That’s about it for now. I hope your re-entry is on the gentle side. Looking forward to not only “seeing” you on Thursday for the concert, but also to reading your Dribbles and Drabbles!

Stay safe and well,


Real change, enduring change, happens one step at a time. Ruth Bader Ginsburg

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